Cacher Rankings
Geocaching Statistics
Web design by Mike Swaney (c) 2013
As soon as there were geocaches there were people hunting for them. Soon after that these early geocachers kept their
own statistics regarding the geocaches they found. From there and over time statistics have been kept by individuals on
anything and everything imaginable.
Web sites, and applications were developed around geocaching statistics. These tools provided geocachers with a wide
variety of statistics ranging from state, country and world rankings to terrain and difficulty matrix. You can see which cache
hider you most frequently find caches placed by as well as which geocachers are most frequent finders on your cache
The most recent advancement in geocaching statistics was born from opening up the API interface. With
this change you can now see country and state rankings for things like; hider with the most favorite points, geocaches with
the most favorite points as a percentage of total finds, geocachers state and country rankings and much much more.
Cacher Rankings: The web site was created by the Grand High Pobah. On this web site you'll find
cacher rankings for the world, many countries, each province in Canada and each state in the United States. Check out
our Cacher Rankings page for more information including links and helpful tips for using the Cacher Stats site.
Cache Stat Bars: Cacher Stat Bars are customizable
blocks which show your geocaching statistics at a high
level. Some Cacher Stat Bars can be added to any
HTML page you choose, others are only for Forums
where BBCode is supported.
For additional information check out our Cacher
Rankings page.
Generating Your Statistics: There are a number of tools available for generating your own statistics. These tools offer
options for exporting your statistics to your profile or any other HTML page.
Project Geocaching: The most recent advancement in statistics comes from Project Geocaching. This site uses the API to generate statistics. Until you 'Authenticate your account with Groundspeak' you will see limited
general statistics. After authenticating you'll be able to see a wide range of statistics including and their list of statistical
information continues to grow. Here are just a few of the statistics you can view on Project Geocaching after
authenticating your account:
Personal Stats - Finds by State, Country, Counties, Difficulty, Terrain, Logs received on your own caches, Favorite
Points received, Karma rating, FTFs and much more.
Cache Stats - The caches with the most finds, most favorite points, most favorites to finds, and much more. You
can sort this by your county, state, province or country,
Top Finders - Top finders, longest streaks, most caches in a day/month/year, and all the same stats by state or
country and of course much more.
Cache Hiders - Caches hidden, number of logs received, number of favorite points received and Karma rating.